Education Hub
At Neurovations Education, we love our learners.
Along with faculty, we work tirelessly to ensure a quality educational experience.
We’re privileged to work with world leaders in medical care and research to disseminate therapeutic advancements for the betterment of patient care.
Complimentary Webinars
From awe-inspiring to informative, Neurovations Education hosts a series of complimentary webinars. Topics cover the next innovation in pain management, the newest work in research, and the best in interventional pain management to put in use tomorrow.
Enduring Education
On-demand education is at your fingertips. Neurovations Education is on-demand and available with CME by content or topic- type or by faculty name.

About Neurovations
Neurovations, a patient care and innovation company, was founded in 1992 by CEO Dr. Eric Grigsby. Today, Neurovations is a national leader in medical device and pharmaceutical innovation, clinical research, and a world-class education program focusing in pain and neuroscience. Dr. Grigsby is deeply connected to the healthcare community through our non-profit HealthRoots Foundation and to the Napa community through Rocca Family Vineyards, a producer of award-winning wines.
Our unwavering mission is to inspire hope and to contribute to the health and well-being of our patients and communities through integrated clinical practice, research, and education.